For Holy Name Retreats please see
Course Descriptions
Since 2012 the course Exploring the Roots of Spiritual Culture has been taught with great success in Mayapur, Ukraine,Germany and other parts around the world.
We have expanded this course into the following topics:
- "Being in Harmony with the Other Gender"
Course description: We will discover how the powerful feminine shakti is meant to complement and inspire the male nature, on all levels: within marriage, within management and within society at large. Furthermore we will find insightful answers and spiritual solutions to many social problems we are facing in these modern days. This course is a MUST for those who would like to have harmonious relationships with the other gender - not only within marriage, but in all spheres of life.
- "Family Life - Secrets of Success"
Course description: We will discover important principles of entering married life in good compatibility and with the right expectations. We will gain insights into the main secrets of success within the grihastha ashram, which will give us the tools to turn our family life into a solid foundation to our spiritual practice. We will discover the importance of executing our purifying duties in mutual respect, affection and harmony, and we will hear about the sweetness and beauty of spiritual culture, centered around a selfless mood of service in Vaisnava hospitality.
- "Meeting Death With Joy -The Vanaprastha Ashram"
Course description: In materialistic culture the elders are seen as a burden to society and are thus pushed aside into Retirement Centers and Nursing Homes. In spiritual culture however they are respected and valued as most important members of society. They embody life experience, wisdom and self-realization and are cared for with affection and respect. We will discover the underlying principles of the Vanaprastha ashram - the valuable contribution this ashram is giving to society, the necessity of cultivating the internal mood of detachment and renunciation, and we will receive encouragement to meet old age with joy and deep satisfaction. This course is not only very relevant for anyone around fifty years of age, but also for anybody who wants to get deeper insights into the challenges of meeting this last phase in life to ultimately approach death in great hope and joy.
- "Our Children Are our Future"
Course description: In materialistic culture the children are seen as a burden and disturbance and are thus given to Day Care Centers and Kinder Gardens at a very young age. In spiritual culture children are given great care, affection and attention and are known to build the future of society. In this course we receive a good understanding of important principles and practices of child raising within spiritual culture, beginning from conception to teenage. We gain deep insights into the great responsibility and most valuable service of being a parent, and we come to understand how immensely purifying and uplifting this service is if performed with sincerity in Krsna consciousness. This course is not only relevant for parents, but for anybody who wants to make a contribution in order to bring about an empowered future generation of Vaishnavas!
- "Mentorship in Krishna Consciousness "
Course description: In spiritual life giving and accepting shelter is the very basis to any meaningful relationship: we are always giving shelter to inferiors and accepting shelter from superiors. If this is not there, our relationships will be superficial. In fact, the theme of taking shelter is accompanying us on various levels throughout our entire spiritual practice. In this course we discover the necessary qualities in order to be eager to accept a mentor, and the qualities we have to develop in order to serve as a mentor, and what blocks us the most from giving and accepting shelter. We will also receive insights how this principle of shelter forms the foundation to Devotee Care which is a very relevant topic in present-day ISKCON. As we all know, we have been losing many nice devotees over the past years - so many people come to Krishna consciousness, they stay around for some time, and too many fade away again. In this seminar we will find the answers as to why this phenomena has been taking place. If we put into practice the principles and tools we discuss, we will have more devotees and happier devotees.
- "The False Ego - our Constant Companion and Troublemaker"
Course description: In this seminar we discover how our false ego is prompting us to act the way we shouldn't act - almost every single day! It literally tortures us and creates our miseries - on all levels: within family life and in all dealings with others. We learn practical tools to disregard the dictations of the false ego, which will empower us to cultivate the most important qualities of tolerance, gratitude, humility and forgiveness. And above all, it will enable us to deepen our chanting of the holy name.
Fees for courses, accomodation and prasadam
We never ask for any set fees for any of our courses because Srila Prabhupada clearly states throughout his books that spiritual knowledge should be given freely to one and all. This is an important principle of brahminical culture.
So all our events are offered on donation basis. This is Vaisnava hospitality. Spiritual culture is a culture of giving, serving and contributing. If we all have this attitude, then there will be no need to charge fees.
Donations given with a happy and affectionate heart complete the loving exchange of receiving spiritual knowledge and inspiration.
Please come and be our guest - we are looking forward to receive and serve you.....