Spiritual and Material Culture
Spiritual and material cultures are as different as day and night because they stem from vastly different ideologies and worldviews. (Bhagavad Gita 2.69) Vaishnava culture is the ultimate spiritual culture because it is created by Krsna to provide support for our spiritual development. Once we understand the universal underlying principles, values and wisdom found in Srila Prabhupada's books, and apply those foundational principles in our personal dealings with one another we can derive tremendous devotional enlivenment and benefit, no matter where we might be living in this world. |
Spiritual culture is Krsna's perfect and sublime system in order to give us stability and harmony in this material world, so we can wholeheartedly develop our forgotten relationship with Him. Our disease however is, that we consider Krsna's system to be outdated, and we think our system to be better than Krsna's system. And thus we get chaos, instability, neglect and suffering. All social problems we are facing in these modern days, even things like child abuse, violence towards women, rape etc are global reactions to the fact that we have lost and forgotten Krsna's system.
Devaki Devi Dasi meditated upon and developed the course Exploring the Roots of Spiritual Culture over several years and first taught it in Mayapur in January 2012, leaving powerful impressions in the hearts of the participants. Since then she has been offering it every year in Ukraine, Germany and Mayapur with such encouraging responses that she is inspired to offer it far and wide to as many Vaisnavas as possible. In order to further expand and promote these teachings she has now established the Institute for Spiritual Culture. |
Welcome to the Institute for Spiritual Culture
The Inauguration Program was held on the 5th of March 2014 at the Goshala in Mayapur.
It was a festive event with the Board Members sharing enlightening words of wisdom, giving insights into the importance of spiritual culture. The video of this program is available under 'Recordings'.
The Inauguration Program was held on the 5th of March 2014 at the Goshala in Mayapur.
It was a festive event with the Board Members sharing enlightening words of wisdom, giving insights into the importance of spiritual culture. The video of this program is available under 'Recordings'.
Board Members

Vision Statement
The aim of the Institute for Spiritual Culture (ISC) is to assist ISKCON's devotees in facilitating Srila Prabhupada's vision of bringing about a cultural revolution for the re-spiritualization of human society.
* To assist the members of our ISKCON Society in becoming more aware of the need to apply the principles of spiritual culture into the practical aspects of their daily lives.
* To assist ISKCON's leaders in systematically training the Society's members in the practical aspects of spiritual culture through courses and retreats, using a curriculum based on Srila Prabhupada's books, especially Srimad-Bhagavatam.
* To help ISKCON centers establish supportive networks to guide and encourage the Society's members in integrating the principles of spiritual culture into their daily lives.
* To increase social stability within our ISKCON Society by promoting strong and healthy families, wherein the members fulfill their purifying duties toward one another.
* To assist the GBC in protecting our ISKCON Society from external influences detrimental to spiritual practice.
* To complement the GBC's attempt to develop powerful leadership based on the principles of spiritual culture.
* To promote among devotees the attitude of genuine mutual care found in Srila Prabhupada's books, the intrinsic attitude needed to maintain ISKCON's spiritual culture.
* To help ISKCON become a practical example to the whole world of how peace and harmony in human life can be achieved through establishing strong families that facilitate spiritual development.
* To assist ISKCON's devotees from all nations in coming under the umbrella of the principles of spiritual culture, thus assisting the GBC in its effort to establish Srila Prabhupada's vision of the real United Nations.
The aim of the Institute for Spiritual Culture (ISC) is to assist ISKCON's devotees in facilitating Srila Prabhupada's vision of bringing about a cultural revolution for the re-spiritualization of human society.
* To assist the members of our ISKCON Society in becoming more aware of the need to apply the principles of spiritual culture into the practical aspects of their daily lives.
* To assist ISKCON's leaders in systematically training the Society's members in the practical aspects of spiritual culture through courses and retreats, using a curriculum based on Srila Prabhupada's books, especially Srimad-Bhagavatam.
* To help ISKCON centers establish supportive networks to guide and encourage the Society's members in integrating the principles of spiritual culture into their daily lives.
* To increase social stability within our ISKCON Society by promoting strong and healthy families, wherein the members fulfill their purifying duties toward one another.
* To assist the GBC in protecting our ISKCON Society from external influences detrimental to spiritual practice.
* To complement the GBC's attempt to develop powerful leadership based on the principles of spiritual culture.
* To promote among devotees the attitude of genuine mutual care found in Srila Prabhupada's books, the intrinsic attitude needed to maintain ISKCON's spiritual culture.
* To help ISKCON become a practical example to the whole world of how peace and harmony in human life can be achieved through establishing strong families that facilitate spiritual development.
* To assist ISKCON's devotees from all nations in coming under the umbrella of the principles of spiritual culture, thus assisting the GBC in its effort to establish Srila Prabhupada's vision of the real United Nations.
Founder Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada