From the 4th of February onwards the ISKCON Leadership Sanga took place for the following eight days. It is an event which is arranged every two years - Gopal Bhatta Prabhu initiated it several years ago. Around 800 leaders and senior devotees had come to Mayapur from all around the world to attend presentations on various topics. It was truly a Mela of presentations, with many topics being offered parallel in different venues. Since they took place several times, one could always find a chance to attend those one had chosen. In the mornings interesting plenary sessions on relevant topics for ISKCON took place - all arranged by Gopal Bhatta Prabhu and his team. Sometimes our prominent leaders such as Radhanath Swami or Bhakti Charu Swami would speak. I noticed that all of a sudden the topic of culture, and even SPIRITUAL CULTURE appeared many times! It almost seemed to be one of the key themes of the entire event.
The weeks during January was a very intense time for me in Mayapur. Not only was I giving five courses over five weeks, but I was also intensely working on the last aspects of publishing my first book entitled "Spiritual Culture - Krishna's Divine System."
A Book Review by HG Gopal Das
*Spiritual Culture - Krishna's Divine System* is a well-thought, thoroughly researched, and deeply realized presentation on the topic of culture. |
Devaki Devi Dasi's Traveling DiaryDevaki Devi Dasi is sharing her realizations and adventures in her Traveling Diary. Welcome to relish this nectar! |