I settled into a good routine of not showing up at the temple from Monday to Friday; simply getting up, chanting most of my rounds, and after breakfast I was glued to my computer for 6 to 7 hours, working on my book. In the early evening I went for a one-hour walk in nice nature, getting some exercise and refreshing my brain.
On the weekends I would go to the morning program and mix with devotees, accept invitations for lunch and have private meetings with devotees. I also offered a few classes and took part in special events such as HH Bhakti Vaibhava Maharaja's Vyasa Puja with his personal presence, and the Ratha Yatra in Prague. Amazingly enough, during this one month I managed to put the preliminary manuscript for the whole book together which will have around 300 book pages. I never expected it to go so swiftly! In this way, I spent a productive month in wonderful association.