Since they have two teenage girls they felt the great need and inspiration to somehow offer something exciting to the young girls, and thus they requested me to conduct a little weekend seminar, which was packaged with fun activities and a bonfire in the evening. We called it "Fascinating Womanhood", with selected topics from our courses: an introduction to the topic of culture, "Two different kinds of beauty", "What does chastity actually mean?" and "Protection of a young girl in regards to getting married". |
Teenagers usually look for heros and role models to follow, and plaster the walls in their room with pictures of them: non-devotee youth takes inspiration from football players, rock stars, actors, etc. We never see pictures of Mum and Dad on the wall...!
In the same way parents in Krsna consciousness have to connect their teenage children with various role models and inspiring personalities in order to help them grow up and move forward. It is the time when we can mold the character of a person. Just like bamboo - when it is green it is very flexible and can be bent this way or that way. But once it gets older, it loses its flexibility and easily breaks.
As teenagers we want to explore and discover the world and experience excitement. And we have to offer the youth inspiring adventures within Krsna consciousness - otherwise they look for it outside.....

They are the future of ISKCON, and they will bring Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan Movement further - from generation to generation. I was told that Srila Prabhupada said it will take ten generations for things to be more deeply established. And it is exciting to be part of it all.....
Wouldn't it be wonderful to conduct a Girls' Mela next year in Ekachakra - for an international group, and not only the Mayapur residents....?!
It would be indeed exciting to offer such excursion to our teenage girls! And the seed to this idea was sewn.....
On the 12th of February I flew off to Dhaka....
Your servant, Devaki dd