The last hour before midnight I conducted our traditional "Krishna Meditation" connected with this year's theme - Krishna and His beloved peacocks. I had collected nice quotes from the Bhagavatam, describing games and pastimes with Krishna and the cowherd boys, in connection with peacocks.
"O friend, Vrindavana is spreading the glory of the earth, having obtained the treasure of the lotus feet of Krishna, the son of Devaki. The peacocks dance madly when they hear Govinda's flute, and when other creatures see them from the hilltops, they all become stunned.
Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains Krishna-Lila as follows: "In Vrindavana, the peacocks request Krishna, 'Govinda, please make us dance.' Thus Krishna plays His flute, and they surround Him in a circle and dance in time with the rhythm of His melody. And while standing in the midst of their dancing, He also sings and dances. Then those peacocks, who are fully satisfied with His musical performance, out of gratitude offer for His pleasure their own divine feathers. In the usual manner of musical performers, Krishna gladly accepts these presentations and places a feather upon the turban atop His head. Gentle animals such as deer and doves greatly relish the transcendental entertainment presented by Krishna, and to get a good view they flock to the peaks of hills. Then, as they watch the breathtaking program, they become stunned in ecstasy."

Krishna accepted the offerings of the peacocks and, while gathering their feathers, He fondly caressed their heads, to everyone's great joy. He placed a few feathers in His turban and, while holding the rest in His hand, He turned to His friends, who embraced Him with love and affection.
Your servant, Devaki dd