For four days we were immersed in transcendental nectar pouring on us in the form of Nrsimhadeva katha, dramatic readings and lots of kirtan. Every day we had a special darshan of the Lord: one day He appeared in the famous sandesh-outfit - a dress made from colorful sandesh! And the forest outfit, where Nrsimhadeva appears in the midst of a thick jungle. And of course, the spectacular abhishek going on for several hours, which simply offers a feast to the eye and heart! On the very last day the Lord even mounted a swing, together with Laxmidevi, and we all got a chance to swing Him.

"Although he is very near to me and is merely a child, he is situated in complete fearlessness. He resembles a dog's curved tail, which can never be straightened, because he never forgets my misbehavior and his connection with his master, Lord Vishnu."
And in the purport Prabhupada comments:
"The example is ordinary. However one may try to straighten a dog's tail, it is never straight but always curved."
We have all seen dogs which have a curved tail pointing upwards. No matter how much we may try to straighten it, it will always jump back into the curved position, as soon as we let go of it.
No matter how much Hiranyakasipu and Prahlada's two teachers Sanda and Amarka tried to make him into a demon, Prahlada was a pure devotee through and through. His unflinching faith in the Lord could not be shaken by anything - no matter how much he was mistreated, threatened, insulted or neglected.
This is a wonderful example for us to strive for. Prahlada Maharaja sets to us all the perfect example of a pure devotee, who is fully surrendered in love and unflinching faith. Unfortunately, we so very easily get distracted, and our faith in Srila Prabhupada words and visions may easily be shaken and compromised. We get affected by the surroundings and propaganda of modern world views. We are clinging onto our materialistic conditioning, which is like our curved dog's tail! No matter how often we hear Srila Prabhupada's words and instructions, we may easily jump back into the Kali-yuga worldviews and understandings.
Prahlada Maharaja perfectly demonstrates to us, how a pure devotee is fearless. He is willing to go against modern and demoniac trends, concepts and public opinions. His unflinching faith is like the currency, with which he purchases Krishna. Such a devotee sees Krishna in all circumstances and is always protected by the Lord Himself.
On the 20th of May I took a train to Tuebingen to visit my dear mother....
Your servant, Devaki dd