Now I endeavored to cook nice prasadam for her - just as she had always cooked my favorite dishes....
And I had to fasten a bip around her neck to keep her clothes clean while eating - just like she had done for me....
I surprised her with her favorite milk sweets from Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohana's plate, just like she used to surprise me with my favorite sweets...
I drove her to the forest and across the fields in her wheelchair, just like she had driven me around in a pram....
Now she told the same stories again and again, and I tireleely listened to them over and over - just like I had told the same thing repeatedly as a child.....
I took her to the doctor, just like she had taken me as a child....
Now, sitting in the waiting room, she asked me to tell a story, and I told stories from the Srimad Bhagavatam - just like I had asked her to tell stories as a child...
Now, every evening, I sat at her bed and read some meaningful thoughts from spiritual literatures to her - just like she had sat at my bed every night, for many years, and read a nice and meaningful bed-time story....
Now I gave her a foot massage - just like she had extended herself to console me as a child....
And I picked a bunch of wildflowers for her - just like I had always done as a child....
The perfect loving exchange....
Your servant, Devaki dd