It was indeed like arriving in the spiritual world.....
Around one hundred grown-up's are living on the property of New Vraja Dham, and in the nearby village many more families have their homes. On New Vraja Dham nobody owns any personal property - everything belongs to Radhe Shyam, and devotees are being fully maintained with lodging and prasadam in return for seven hours' service every day. The community has the mood of a village, with many simple little houses for the grihastha families. There is only very little electricity available through solar power - none of the devotees have washing machines and other electric appliances. The mood is one of simply living: strict and down to earth - simply Krsna conscious.
Their Lordships are certainly the very center of the entire community....
Maharaja established various holy places of Vraja on the property of New Vraja Dham - Radha Kund, Syama Kund, various Ghat's where Krsna performed His pastimes. In this way the devotees can go on parikrama even here - in Hungary. To be in the Holy Dhama is after all a question of consciousness - Vrindavan consciousness, and not a question of physical presence ....
temple - a part of the world where Campaka trees are growing in almost every second garden! We used to regularly go out and collect them, and make the most beautiful garlands.
Here in New Vraja Dham the Deities were decorated every morning with Campaka flowers - how beautiful....!
The ladies eagerly absorbed themselves in the topic of discussion, and we spent a sweet and transformational time together, receiving deeper insights into the universal principles of Krsna's culture.
Time was passing very quickly, and the devotees regretted that there was no time left for further association and discussions on the next unit of "Marriage in Spiritual Culture".
In our little closing ceremony the ladies shared heart moving realizations, expressing how this course had deeply affected their hearts and world view, and how they wished they had received this knowledge much earlier in their lives.....
During my visit I was invited to give a couple of Bhagavatam classes which were also well received. Devotees came with personal questions, and we relished each other's association
It would certainly be a perfect place to try and implement more and more aspects of spiritual culture - the basic foundation to it is already created. And adding the culture will bring even more sweetness and beauty into the community....
I had a very enlivening meeting with Maharaja - he gave me almost two hours of his valuable time. We were sharing different views and ideas on the topic of spreading spiritual culture - an almost impossible mission in these modern days, being surrounded by such heavily materialistic influences and propaganda. It is almost like swimming against the strong current of the Ganga...
However, to have an impossible mission makes us feel more helplessly dependant on Krsna and Srila Prabhupada and thus deepens our spiritual life.
And I decided to begin by writing more articles for the dandavats website.
Your servant, Devaki dd