I am starting to look forward to the end of my exile here.....

Jackfruits grow on big trees in tropical countries, hanging down from the stems. I remember them from tropical Northern Australia, and also in Bangladesh it is a very common fruit. It can also be cooked as vegetable when unripe. It is not easy to cut and take apart, since it has a rubbery juice which sticks to the knife and hands. Only oil on hands and knife will allow one to fulfill the rather messy task. Now is jackfruit season, and almost every day I am eating a few little pieces of it. One fruit can get as big and heavy as 35 kg's. Obviously nobody buys one fruit. Here in Bangalore there are people standing along the street with a cart and take a big fruit apart, selling the little segments separately - three pieces for 10 Rupees. The little yellow segments have a big shiny pip which can also be used. The fruit is very tasty, crunchy and sweet. Nature is full of amazing creations and varieties in tastes and flavors. Obviously there is an even more amazing creator behind it...!

Consciousness is a very powerful energy, and everything handmade carries a certain energy coming from the consciousness with which it is made. If something is made with devotion and endeavor, this energy will linger and emanate from this item. This is why hand-made things are always very attractive. They emanate a very different energy compared to things produced in the factories.
The prices mentioned on the website are for non-devotees - devotees will receive special discounts and can stay for much longer than the tourist packages are suggesting. Accomodation and prasadam can be arranged separately, maybe even in conjunction with the ISKCON temple.
Your servant, Devaki dd