The VIP prasadam was out of this world - such large and unique variety of
dishes prepared with love and devotion, and offered to Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohan. The lunch consisted of around 35 to 40 preparations - simply incredible! And each and every dish was so extraordinary and unique in its taste and flavor. Here in Bangladesh we can understand what Srila Prabhupada meant when he said: "The Bengalis are the only ones who know how to eat...!"
We concluded the transcendental gathering celebrating Lord Nitayananda's appearance, with the festivities of Nityananda Katha, abhishek accompanied by sweet kirtans lead by HH Krsna Ksetra Maharaja, followed by a sumptious feast. And in the evening we lost ourselves in wonderful kirtan.
Needless to say, their hearts were charmed, and the assembled devotees were amused. HH Krsna Ksetra Maharaja exclaimed to the full audience: "Devaki Mataji is the mother of Bangladesh....! And it's so nice to have a mother, isn't it...?!"
Our honorable guests also received a good quality woolen chadar which gave more weight to our humble gift, showing our gratitude for their uplifting and nourishing association.
On the 21st of February many of us took the journey overland to Mayapur.....
Your servant, Devaki dd