He has established a whole system to help devotees in Ukraine who are in need - there is a website www.shareyour.care, where devotees can submit their requests for help of all kinds. Some devotees literally have been rescued from the most dangerous situations...
We observed a rather quiet Gaur Purnima festival - after attending a most crowded Mangal Artik and the morning classes at the temple, we joined the celebration on Niranjana Maharaja's rooftop at Rasamrita Kunj with abhisheka and kirtan. Unfortunately Maharaja did not feel well, so he did not come to lead the kirtan or speak.
On the 2nd of April Dhara Mataji and myself flew together to Delhi to spend one week in Vrindavan. Here, it was even hotter: every day over 40 degrees Celsius, but it was a rather dry heat, which is easier to tolerate than the humidity in Mayapur.
We attended a japa workshop offered by Mahatma Prabhu over three mornings which helped me to move the holy name once again into the forefront. We always need to polish up our chanting habits...!
In the early mornings we would go on a few nice parikramas, visiting Radha Madan Mohan temple and chanting japa at the neighboring samadhi of Sanatan Gosvami. To our delight, the local pujari invited us into his little room, and he shared some special maha prasadam with us: the dry and saltless chapatis which Sanatan Gosvami would offer to his Lordships in his old age, not being able to arrange anything better than that. In commemoration of this pastime, the pujaris still offer every day such kind of chapatis, which look more like dry dough balls than actual chapatis. With great joy we were sitting in this pujari's room, chewing the special delight...! We concluded our excursion with a visit to the only Nrsimhadeva temple in Vrindavan. |
One late afternoon we went to Govindaji's temple and chanted japa in the underground bhajan kutir of Rupa Gosvami - almost like a cave, helping to withdraw from all outside distractions. On another morning, we went to the Jagannath temple on the other side of Vrindavan and chanted some rounds there. I had not been to this place for more than 20 years and was surprised to see that there was now a big new temple, which unfortunately always destroys the sweetness, simplicity and intimacy of the "old days". We also visited Radha Damodara temple and Prabhupada's rooms - another place which makes me sad when reminiscing how sweet and simple it used to be. Vrindavan has changed so much over the last 35 years! Of course, this is to the external eye, and those who see with spiritual vision are not affected by the externals... |
On the 10th of April, after the Rama Navami celebrations, I left for Delhi to catch my flight to Melbourne.
Your servant, Devaki dd