More than 300 devotees assembled - the seniors being welcomed with flower garlands. The program started with kirtan, followed by an opening and introduction of my humble self. As every year, I was playing the role of the MC, conducting and coordinating the whole event. I had given each speaker a topic beforehand, and during the program I added a few points, putting in some stories from Bangladesh and summarizing things to keep it all on track and flowing well.
guru to the human being, and she creates the spiritual atmosphere in the home, and thus within human society. In a culture aiming for sense gratification, a mother is loosing this valuable contribution - it is stripped off her, since there is no understanding of the need for a guru and a spiritual atmosphere. In this way, she is reduced to being the cook and cleaner. We can observe, how the culture around mothers has drastically changed over the last 100 years. HH Bhakti Rasamrita Maharaja shared powerful quotes of great personalities of the past, who stated: "Whatever I am today is due to the care, affection, training and selfless love of my mother." Today, we rarely hear such statements any longer.
Unless we learn to respect and honor our physical mothers, we will never truly protect and honor Mother Cow or Mother Earth. Even the other mothers of the wife of a brahmana, wife of a king (manager) and wife of a guru (teacher) will not be fully respected and valued.
The topic was churned in depth by our honored speakers, and the ladies spoke with deep realization and practical experience, moving everyone's hearts in the audience.
The entire program can be viewed at the following link:
My time in Mayapur was gradually coming to an end. I spent the remaining days inviting devotees to my place for prasadam, and attending evening sessions of the Kirtan Mela.
In the early morning of the very last day before leaving Mayapur I received the first copies of my second book which was printed in Ukraine - devotees from Kharkov had kindly agreed to deliver it to me. I was so curious how it had come out! I immediately ran over to Srila Prabhupada's samadhi to offer it to him, showing him the beginning pages. A great sense of joy and victory flooded my heart, and I simply prayed it would be pleasing to him.
After the morning program on that day I went up to the roof of the conch building where the GBC meetings were being held, and I waited for my Guru Maharaja, HH Niranjana Swami to come. And with happy heart I offered the same copy to him, which I had offered to Srila Prabhupada. I took the opportunity to share that Bhaktivedanta Manor is using the first book as a hand-book for brahmacari- and bhakta training. He happily exclaimed: "Seriously?!" Needless to say, he was pleased.....
A sweet little exchange which gave deep satisfaction to my heart - a wonderful conclusion to my time in Mayapur......
On the 10th of March I flew off to Delhi and on to Cologne/Germany....
Your servant, Devaki dd