Over the years we had established a nice friendship, and I was always very happy to serve them by trying to give some inspiration and support. And they both responded in an eager mood - eager to inquire and deepen their spiritual life, and to exchange thoughts and realizations. Sometimes I would give him some new books in English language, and he always gratefully accepted and eagerly read them.
Over the years he had become my favorite translator for my seminars on the Bhakti Sangam Festivals and many Holy Name Retreats. He knew how to tune in and catch the deeper aspects and moods of a lecture, and he knew the art of presenting it to the audience in all humility, without changing anything. The main qualification for being a good translator is indeed humility..... Throughout their life they had always been living very simply - at times maybe even too austerely...... On the 26th of March I suddenly received the news that he had left his body. They have been having a simple heating system with gas, which is very dangerous because of the carbon monoxide which develops. He left his body due to carbon monoxide poisoning. It all went very fast - within a few hours. His wife survived. The entire Ukrainian yatra was in shock, devotees' hearts drowning in pain....! Krsna must have wanted to release him from the struggle for existence in this material world, taking him to a better place..... My last letter to him......: |
Dear Vicaksana Prabhu,
please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
The sad and shocking news reached me all the way in Bangladesh, that you have left us behind - so unexpected, without giving us any warning of your sudden departure!
Just a couple of days ago I was discussing with the Odessa devotees, that we could have a Holy Name Retreat again this year. And I was writing to them: "Please contact Vicaksana Prabhu and ask him to come and translate...."
And little did I know that you will not be coming any more in the future...
Yes, you were my very favorite translator - not because I simply needed a translator, but because your simplicity and humility made you a truly outstanding Vaisnava. You always endeavored to deeply capture the points of the lectures, and exactly pass them on to the audience, keeping yourself in the very background. We had so many nice and deep exchanges of realizations, and your presence in the many Holy Name Retreats which you attended was uplifting the entire atmosphere. I always liked to listen to your deep classes which you delivered in all humility and sincerity, speaking from your heart, with strong realization. You set for us a wonderful example of how a Vaisnava should live - focused on the main goal of developing one's Krsna consciousness, unattached to title and positions, and not getting distracted and entangled by making too many material arrangements.
The last letter which I received from you was dated the 2nd of December. Every year without fail you would send me some photos of the Nikolaev Deities and tell me about the Sankirtan Festival you were celebrating in Nikolaev temple, commemorating the installation of the Deities.
I also remember the sweet time we had when you and your wife traveled with me around Bangladesh many years ago. You could deeply appreciate the culture, and it was simply a great pleasure to be in your association.
Please rest assured that your wife will be taken care of nicely by all the devotees. Krsna must have some plans for you to move on, and we will keep alive our memories of you, since you are indeed occupying a little spot within our heart.
Whenever you meet Krsna, please put a word in for us, because we also want to come and be with Him soon.....
Your servant in sadness and separation....,
Devaki dd