We spent a nice time at her home, going for walks, taking prasadam together and exchanging thoughts on spiritual and religious topics. I also took the opportunity to show Olga the nearby city of Tuebingen with its historic market place and other beautifully restored buildings. Also the old farm houses in our nice village were interesting for Olga, leaving deep impressions on her mind - she had never seen such nice old houses. Village life must have been much more satvic in Germany than in other countries such as Latvia or Ukraine. In each country we find a specific and unique mixture of the three modes of material nature - there are unlimited variations! Of course, in these modern days, countries like Ukraine are so much more conducive to spiritual practice. In the Western world, the externals are polished and glossy, but underneath this attractive surface lingers boredom, disappointment and deep frustration with life. And people are too addicted to material enjoyment and distracted by the hopes for sense gratification in order to focus on spiritual life. I am forever grateful to Srila Prabhupada for saving me from the miseries of living in Germany.....
We returned to Goloka Dham for a few more days, where I continued working on my book. I was invited to offer a Sunday feast lecture and spent a nice time connecting with many devotees - serving by giving encouragement to move forward into the right direction. It was one of my most enlivening visits to Goloka Dham, with new visions and ideas manifesting - for the whole yatra as well as for devotees individually. We left Goloka Dham with my firm resolution to continue visiting this wonderful abode regularly in the future.
We welcomed HH Bhakti Vaibhava Swami, HH Bhakti Bringa Govinda Swami, HH Dhira Shanta Swami and Mahadyuti Swami as the main speakers, with HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami being the host of the event.
Unfortunately, HH Niranjana Swami unexpectedly had to cancel his participation. I offered a three-session seminar entitled "Being in Harmony with the Other Gender", which served as a nice introduction to my book. Devotees had made the arrangement to translate and print the book into Lithuanian - quite an amazing achievement in such a short time! In this part of the world, most devotees are not fluent enough to read in English, so it was great to have the book in Lithuanian.
HH Govinda Maharaja lead a wonderful evening kirtan which was especially ecstatic. Devotees were dancing in a very jolly and blissed out way, and the atmosphere was surcharged with transcendental joy.
On the last morning of the festival I was invited to do the artik for Srila Prabhupada during the Guru puja. Singing the prayers while offering the artik, I felt my stone-like heart being moved. I could sense that Srila Prabhupada was trying to encourage me....
On the 29th of July Olga and I flew back to Kharkov/Ukraine........
Your servant, Devaki dd